To plant a Garden is to believe in tomorrow.


A rain garden as per our offering can be a garden/sports ground/road side drain etc. consisting of natural filter bed comprising native plants/grasses that are watered with flowing rainwater or stormwater. A rain garden accomplishes both rainwater and stormwater filtration by collecting water on low gradients, slowing it, and either allowing the water to get stored and harvested in rainwater harvesting storage tanks or to infiltrate into a porous surface, instead of flowing across asphalt or concrete and creating causing pollution.  When the water is slowed, suspended particles settle out, and pollutants are decomposed by soil microbes, immobilized, or incorporated into plants. Specially designed french drain, i.e. sub-surface drainage is an important component of raingarden. An additional benefit of incorporating the french drain, is that it provides a natural passive water proofing to buildings and structures by capturing the sub-surface water and channelizing it at a suitable place away from the foundation of the building. 


In the design of a rain garden, typically six to twelve inches of soil is removed and altered with tillage, compost and sand to increase water infiltration. The type of alteration to the soil depends on the current soil type, so it is a good idea to obtain a soil test.

Rain gardens are generally constructed on the downside of a slope on your property and collect rainwater runoff from the lawn, roof and/or the driveway. Once water collects in the rain garden, infiltration may take up to 48 hours after a major rainfall. Also, rain gardens incorporate native vegetation; therefore, no fertilizer is needed and after the first year, maintenance is usually minimal.

Rain gardens filter runoff and protect groundwater, especially after big rains. They also add unexpected beauty to low spots that tend to collect water and draw wildlife.

Rain gardens can effectively trap and retain up to 99 percent of common pollutants in urban storm runoff, potentially improving water quality and promoting the conversion of some pollutants into less harmful compounds. The affordable, easy-to-design gardens could help solve one of the nation’s most pressing pollution problems.
More than half of the rainwater that falls on a typical block, one with 75 percent or more impervious cover — such as roads or parking lots — will leave as runoff, according to the Environmentalists. This runoff includes metals, oils, fertilizers and other particulate matter. Easy-to-construct rain gardens — shallow depressions in the earth landscaped with hardy shrubs and plants such as chokeberry or winterberry surrounded by bark mulch — offer a simple remedy to this problem.

The gardens are designed to replicate the natural water cycle that existed before roads and other impervious surfaces were constructed, As the water collects and soaks into the rain garden, it infiltrates into the ground rather than draining directly into sewers or waterways. The gardens work well year-round. Rain gardens significantly reduced concentrations of nitrates, ammonia, phosphorous and other pollutants reaching storm drains. In addition, design tweaks that allowed polluted rainwater to pool at the bottom of the gardens permitted bacteria in the soil to convert harmful nitrates into nitrogen gas, preventing them from entering the groundwater.

Rain gardens provide the same aesthetic and ecological benefits to an urban area that traditional gardens do. Not only does the vegetation improve the visual appearance of a parking lot or street side right of way, but it also increases available habitat for wildlife. If trees and herbaceous plants are included in the design, then the more diversified habitat allows for more diversified species.

Since rain gardens accumulate biomass, they sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which can minutely offset the effects of greenhouses gases. The basins also can lower the temperature locally by reducing the urban heat island effect. This is done by the leaves directly shading out sunlight and by the water from the pond surface absorbing some of the heat during evaporation.


Also known as infiltration swales, biofilters, grassed swales, or in-line biorentention,  Bioswales are an aesthetically-pleasing alternative to concrete gutters and storm sewers, employing vegetated low-lying areas or troughs that use plant materials and specialized soil mixes to treat, absorb, and convey stormwater runoff

Rain Chain

Rain chains is traditional Japanese Idea (kusari doi) and they are a beautiful & functional alternative to traditional, closed gutter downspouts. Guiding rain water visibly down chains or cups from the roof to the ground, they transform a plain gutter downspout into a pleasing water feature, soft tinkling of individual droplets to the soothing rush of white water, they are a treat to listen to.

French Drain

basic concept behind a French drain, a slightly sloped trench filled with round gravel and a pipe that diverts water away from your house. French drains provide an easy channel for water to flow through. Water runs into a gravel-filled trench, then into perforated pipe at the bottom of the trench. 

Our Service Offerings

Our Projects

The Ridge solutions has provided its servises and solutions to various tourist destinations and industrial units with state of the art harvesting setups. 

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